Preachers who teach politically correct things

Preachers who teach politically correct things

Have you notice Christians who know that there are evil men in the world but never talk against the political correct things? In other words, they go on and on about their lying, cheating on husbands/wives, and the stealing and saying how sinful it is. They also believe that we are living in the End Times when evil will be an all-time high. Yet, when it comes to what is considered politically correct, they are in complete agreement with it?

We know what is considered politically correct, which includes:

  • all races are equal
  • we must all mix
  • any type of sexual lifestyle is OK

You will not hear one sermon against the above in most modern day churches today.

Then, when we read in the media that people who are “racists, anti-Semitic, White nationalist, anti-immigration (third world people)”, the preachers and their congregation are all against this, too.

Now, they know this comes from the media, schools and government, which, on the one hand, they see as part of the Beast System of Revelation. But on the other hand they say nothing against it. In fact, they construed Scripture to have you believe that to be against such people is good. Or to be for such perverted lifestyles is good. This is known as cognitive dissonance.

In other words, all the so-called morality that the government supports, the churches do, too. But they realize that the government, on the other hand, is at least partly responsible for this evil. This is holding to views that are mutually exclusive and believing both are true! This is known as cognitive dissonance – a mentally unstable condition.

Here is a case in point. There is a man called Ray Comfort of Living Waters Ministry. He and some of his followers go around telling strangers on the street about Christ. All well and good. He does ask them good questions and waits for their answers; then comes back with other questions. He also has made videos and produced books on such topics, such as the scientific bases of the Bible.

Now, the problem with his talks, if you have seen any of his videos, are several. The sins that Comfort gets the stranger to admit are the very, very common ones such as: stealing, lying, lusting after someone else, etc. I’m not picking on him but this is common in all main-line churches – they only use topics that even the atheist, Jew, Hindu, Muslim would agree with. In short, he does not offend anyone. Now, these are sins, to be sure, but what about those who commit sin on a grand scale, such those who work in labs that produce medicine that kills 10s of thousands each year?

We know that vaccines kills thousands each year. We know that the whole medical field, with their medications, radiation and chemotherapy kills, collectively, several million world-wide each year. Yet, not one word is said against them.

Then, you hear preachers of all denominations often throw up, “If you don’t believe in Christ as your Saviour, you’ll go to hell and burn forever.” Now, this is another whole topic, but to sum it up: hell does not exist but fallen angles do.

We all believe in the hell-fire at some time in our life, but that is not the point I want to make. What I’m saying is, Christians are using hell as a way to scare people into believing in God.

When I was young, we were all told about hell but this was never used as a threat, “if you don’t believe you’ll go to hell.” Rather, we were taught of the ways to live a Christian life, to love our God and to love one another.

Now, I understand that there are many Christians who believe in the eternal damnation, and if you are one of them just stop and think: Did Christ use the ‘burning coals’ to scare followers? No, just read the Sermon on the Mount story. So, this is what we should do.

Back to Ray Comfort. Again, I’m not picking on him, but he is representative of thousands of Christians. In his street preaching, if you want to call it that, you’ll see him talking to one black man after another, one mulatto after another and people who look like they are Arabs. I thought he was in Africa but he was in Australia – a most White nation! (At least for now.) Does he have something against White people? Ray would have to deliberately pick these non-Whites; he probably went to neighbourhoods where most of them live.

If Ray and others who claim to know so much about the Bible would only read it, he’ll find Jesus saying that He was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of Israel! That means those who are racially descendant of the 12 sons of Israel, and to no other people!

With this in mind, anyone who preaches to non-Whites, will also preach about how ‘terrible’ it would be if a nation was all White (like they were a couple of hundred years ago). Naturally, they would preach how ‘terrible’ a racialist would be (one who believes in living among their own kind); that ‘racists’ are evil, they are haters, etc.

All races have their part in God’s creation, but they are not to take the bread of God’s Children. They can benefit in other ways abut that would be another topic, a book to cover. Let’s stay on one topic here.

Comfort tells strangers if you think lust you have committed it. This is true, as Christ said. But what I want to point out that he harps on this as if this is the only thing. Why not tell others if you COMMIT these things, if you DO those things it’s worse. Let’s face it, we live in a sinful world but when ancient Israel was following God’s Laws, Statues and Judgements, we were blessed – you can read it in the Bible. Yet, you can bet that people had sinful thoughts, yet we were still blessed. So, preachers should focus on those who COMMIT such sins – not just think of them. But of course, he doesn’t, this is so he’s more accepted among sinners that are out there.


The Real Zinger!

Watching Ray Comfort’s video, on atheists, which he made into a documentary of sorts, he said words to the effect (paraphrasing):

“Are you ready to accept Jesus Christ?”

And the guy answers, “Yes.”

“Good. Now, you don’t don’t have to do good works.”

This floored me!!

He said this a couple of times. I couldn’t believe it! After all this work, getting someone to accept Christ (actually it’s Christ that does the choosing, but that is another article), he says, “You don’t have to do good works.” He said this a couple of times in this 1 hour video.

What kind of a Christian would you be if you didn’t have to do any good works? Sure, we are saved by grace, a free gift; we are not saved by works, BUT that does not mean we should not do any good works. If that was true, then the Apostles could have sat on their back side; go back to fishing and become like everyone else, if we are not to do any good works! If works is not important, then why the 10 Commandments?

Oh, God forbid that we should be kind to the elderly, the sick, the poor and help them out in some way. Gee, if we did that, others might see us a Christians! Can you imagine if we all sat back on our collective a*s’ and just continued living as we did before?

Ray Comfort and others think that by making it as easy as possible to become a Christian, they’ll get more converts.

Yet, this is really the mentality of most people who call themselves Christians – they do little if any good works at all. That is why the former White Christian nations are in a mess – that we don’t live and do works to help one another as Christians should.

What Most Christians Are Guilty Of

You have Christians exhorting others not to lie, cheat, steal and covet another man’s wife (husband). They say we should not blasphemy God’ name. They point to the 10 Commandments as a bases for this. All well and good! They are correct. Then they switch gears.

You tell these same Christians that:

  • we are not to eat pig
  • we are to adhere to all of God’s food laws
  • we are not to practice usury
  • we are not to allow heathen worship

and what do you hear from these smug, self-righteous people? “We are not under the Law. Christ put away the Law. We are under Grace,” etc.

What they are really doing is, picking and choosing. They display another form of cognitive dissonance. On the one hand, they say we should not steal – which is Old Testament, but on other hand it’s OK to collect interest on our money – which is from the Old Testament. They pick and choose. And pastors wonder why attendance is so low? Maybe because many people see through their hypocrisy!

These evangelists only pick the laws that even the heathen today would agree with; this makes them “politically correct.” But when it comes to other things that we should or should not do, they say “it’s done away with.” This is exactly what the Beast System wants us to believe and they have succeeded! Why do they want us to OK these other practices that Yahweh, God condemns? It’s because they make money from it. Or it meets their agenda for world conquest.

Let’s take a look at usury – which is a synonym for interest. The stock holders of banks make money from usury; the average Christian has his savings in an interest bearing account. If you own the bank, you can make easy money. So, this would have to be part of “the done away law”.

Take food laws. There would be thousands of people who would not be able to produce and sell this food. Processed foods, which is like scavenger food – they are both a poison to the body. Just think of the billions of dollars made each year from selling poison to the people. They would have to stop IF God’s laws were enforced.

Christ said IF you love me you would obey my Commandments. Many Christians say they believe him but their words and deeds speak differently. Christ Commandments are what you read in the Old Testament. And, it’s not just the 10 Commandments; they are just the summation of the laws.

These preachers who claim that they don’t steal, cheat on their wife and don’t lie, are better somehow. Yet, they lend their money out to usury, eat pig, crabs, duck, etc. They think that it’s OK to marry someone of another race, to allow strangers in the land and rule over us; to allow all other religions to practice in their country. They look at this as not sinning. After all, “It was done away with.” So, with smug arrogance, they tell others that it’s OK.

Well, Yahweh, God doesn’t see it that way and that is why His promise of Deuteronomy 28:15-68 has come about. This, they can’t deny, neither can an atheist.