Who Are The Jews And Where Did They Come From?

Who Are The Jews And Where Did They Come From?

Today’s Jews are descendants from Esau, brother and enemy of Jacob. Esau’s name was changed to Edom, so today’s Jews are Edomites. It happened like this. About 1936 BC, Jacob and Esau were twins born to Isaac, son of Abram. Esau was firstborn, so according to the custom of primogeniture, the birthright belonged to him. Esau sold it to Jacob in exchange for a meal. He later regretted his act, and tried to kill Jacob in order to get the blessing back for himself. Then, going off to marry women of neighboring Cain races, Esau really saddened his parents. His name was changed to Edom (Red), and his descendants settled the land south of the Dead Sea which came to be called Edom. About 312 BC the Edomites were chased off by Nabateans, so they moved up into the land of Judea which belonged to the tribe of Juda. By 132 BC they were causing so many problems for Judea, Jerusalem, and the Temple that John Hyrcanus ordered them all to be circumcised and convert to the Temple religion of Jerusalem (Judaism), officially known as Babylonian Talmudic Phariseeism, as it still is today. (The word “Judaism” is just used for the public). It was a corrupt religion brought back to Jerusalem by returnees from the Babylonian captivity, practicing Chaldean magics and the occult Kabbalism, whose scripture is the Talmud, not the Old Testament. Anyway, the Edomites converted enthusiastically to the Jerusalem religion. Within a century the Edomites controlled Jerusalem and the Temple, pushing Israelites to the outskirts of the city and into outlying towns. In 47 BC an Edomite, Herod Antipater, was appointed Administrator of Judea by Caesar. Edomites then controlled all Judea, being also called “Judeans,” for whom English translators write “Jews.” Jesus went boldly to the temple in Jerusalem and accused those so-called “Jews” to their faces of being frauds and liars, telling them God was not their father, but their father was the devil. See John 8:44 and Matthew 23. Then Jesus came and called His true sheep from out of that region, whereupon they became known as Christians; about 66 AD Jerusalem’s Christians fled the city to a town named “Pella.” The Edomites continued to be called “Jews” to this day. They have no lineage from Israel. In Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, Jesus speaks of them, saying He knows those who claim to be Jews but are not. Jesus says they are the synagogue (assembly, body) of Satan.

Christians are the body of Christ. Edomite Jews are the body of Satan. The eternal contest is between these two groups. The same hatred which Esau felt toward Jacob is still felt by Jews toward the white-race today, and that contest has defined the course of Israelite history for nearly 4,000 years.

The difference between the Israelites and Edomites is a matter of instinct. The battle between good and evil is between two opposing instincts. Israelites have natural instincts of honesty, compassion, selflessness, integrity, justice, mercy, and the Golden Rule. Edomites have natural instincts of lying, mercilessness, selfishness, betrayal, defrauding, cheating, exploiting, and destruction of the innocent. Jesus defined their nature in John 8, and in Matthew 23. It is worth looking up Jesus’ words if you want the real truth! “By their fruits ye shall know them.”

Today the Jews, being about three percent of our nation, control ALL major media and publishing, ALL major industries, ALL banking, ALL politics, and the world-economy. For 150 years, the American people have been taught only what the Jews want taught; our entertainment is Jewish sexual humor, and we have lost our European Israelite cultural values. We no longer know who we are, or where we came from. While Jews admit these facts in writings by their own scholars, they perpetrate the fraud among Christians that Jews are true Israelites, even naming their new country “Israel.” Their ancestral migrations as Khazars and Sephardim are well documented, and while admitting it in their scholarly works, they deny it publicly. Since western Christianity refuses to challenge their lies (unlike Jesus), their fraud is successful, as Esau hopes yet to destroy Jacob. President Clinton stated publicly that he worked toward the goal when America would no longer be a white-race European culture. Clinton had a Cabinet of about 61 members, 44 which were Jews, the rest being blacks and other minorities. There was not a single white-race European on the Cabinet, although we are the majority people of this nation! What do you think of the implications here?

What we Israelite Christians need to understand regarding the Jews is that God has given them dominion over His children for this present time. We cannot defeat Satan’s children by challenging their lordship over this world, nor did Jesus suggest we war against them. This is the time of their power, as designed by God. This time of Jewish exploitation serves God’s purpose, as we are tested and tried and even murdered innocently. This is a time of strengthening for God’s children, and should also be a time of wising-up. We should become “as wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” That is Jesus’ advice! The serpent represents Satan and his race; we should become aware of their diabolical cleverness so we can avoid being attracted to the lures which draw us into their clutches. This world of physical material reality, with its technological wonders and modern conveniences, is the achievement of the Beast of Revelation: Satan. As we are attracted to all the worldly delights of Satan’s inventions, our lives become nothing more than working careers, living to make payments for land, houses, cars, toys, and sensual delights. We, thereby, become goyim/cattle which the Jews farm and milk as they wish. We have wandered away from our Godly values and have become prodigal again. The Jews, who exploit us and cheat us and enslave us are performing their proper functions, and we can blame no one but ourselves for chasing after their lures. What’s more, this design of God serves His purpose, whereby the genetic strain of His Israelite race is strengthened, culling out the weak, preparing us for the great responsibility of governing the Kingdom of God during the ages to come.

If we really understand the purpose for the play on this stage of world, in which we perform our lives, then we must come to realize that our half-brother enemy race of Edom serves us in a very important way. The race of Cain/Edom is much larger than just the so-called Jews. They are mixed into our people so we can no longer easily identify them (tares in the wheat). Many are blond and even have blue eyes, a result of breeding with Israel, against which our God has strongly warned us. This makes the contest ever more important; we cannot avoid them by recognizing them with black curly hair, big noses, and dark complexions, but we must learn to avoid them by recognizing their actions and by restraining our own desires for the delights which they offer. To learn to live by principles is spiritual progress for our spunky, free-willed, dynamic race of Adam. Without the Jews in our lives, exploiting us, limiting our material wealth, and restraining our efforts, we would have many towers of Babel, and all be wealthy as Midas, and be decadent and profligate, all with no consequences to jerk us back. We would never feel drawn toward God as someone whom we need to Father us and protect us and save us. We are born from above, in His image, with a divine potential that exceeds our present imaginations, and we would have used our divine creative gifts to make this material world of Satan into our heavenly kingdom.

Fortunately, the Cain/Edom/Jew race was there to hold us in check, and to separate from us those who were weak in principle and spiritual values. Just as a farmer culls out the weak members of his stock, God uses the Jews to cull out the weak Israelites, thus strengthening our genetic strain. We consider the farmer prudent as he engineers a strong and healthy herd, and we forgive his acts of culling out the weak. So, also, we should understand why God has used the Jews as His important tools to cull the weak from our ethnic group. Those being culled certainly must view the one who destroys them as their enemy. But those who are selected as prime stock for the farmer’s future program can be thankful that the weak ones will no longer be passing on weaknesses to future generations. The genetic strain improves, and the world becomes a better place. The Jews provide a valuable service for God. They are mighty in their acts and amazingly successful in deceiving us. Most scientific breakthroughs have been led by Jews; they are the masters of EARTH studies because this is their world. They are geniuses regarding World, while we are as innocent as ignorant sheep, being fleeced willingly by people who claim they are God’s chosen ones. They are not entirely wrong; they are the lords of this world, and that by God’s design, while we are specially chosen to inherit the next world, the kingdom of God.

Jesus said we should love our enemies. The Edomite Jews are our enemies, as they taunt us with their pornographic entertainment, and violence, and diabolic horrors, as they analyze us with their Freudian sex-based psychology, as they exploit us economically and politically, and as their judges imprison our innocent ones while catering to the violence of other races against us. They are born with a powerful instinct to destroy Israel, without mercy. They do their work effectively as they promote racial-equality and race-mixing, along with the emotional sentiment that we should go to any extreme to keep genetically defective babies alive, nurturing them and sacrificing our lives for their sake. Instead of letting nature claim those who are too weak to survive and become self-sufficient, we intervene and exalt them, sacrificing the strong for their sake. Schools of science teach our children that any idea of God is foolishness, while dumbing-down the bright Israelite minds to the level of earth’s primitive races. Bureaucrats pass ever more laws which limit our enterprises and tax our incomes and take our land and restrict our efforts. We get angry as our farmers lose their farms to clever Jew financiers, and as small businesses are destroyed deliberately by government tyrants. Judges, even on the Supreme Court, make rulings against our Christian cultural values and traditions. But, most of us do little more than get angry! Some rare few turn to God, acknowledging values that are far more important than worldly wealth. Those few might never have turned to God if they had been successful and attained great wealth. That they turn to God, forgiving their enemies, and look to Christ, their Head, is a great act. They are the spiritually strong ones, who will inherit the kingdom prepared for them. They are God’s Elect, and even though they lose their lives unjustly in this world, they can rejoice as martyrs who will gain the great prize. If the Jews had not been so merciless, those Elect ones would never become strong enough to perform the destiny God has in store for them.

Finally, we should not hate the Jews who try to destroy us, though we should hate evil, oppose it, and avoid it. We should understand the Jews’ important role in God’s pageant. They are acting according to their natural instincts; they are being true to their evil natures, just as we should be true to our Godly natures. If we reign in our lusts and desires for earthly treasures and sensual delights, as Jesus suggested, then we will not be attracted to those enticements which the Jews offer. Then we won’t be attracted to their loan-shark schemes which result in loss of the farm. We won’t be borrowing to buy that new car that makes us deeply indebted to them, requiring us to run a little faster on the treadmill to produce for them. Jews call the white-race goyim which means “cattle,” which they farm and milk. We need to understand that they can only milk the ones who come hungering into their pens where they will be trapped. It is not the fault of Jews that we suffer consequences of our own greeds! When we stop blaming them, then we can stand up and take responsibility for our own lives, turn to God, and prepare to inherit the kingdom of Heaven.

For the prosperity-cult Christians who think God wants His children to have all the modern wonders and marvels of inventions and wealth and the good-life, let me say that all those things are the enticements of the Beast of Revelation by which he lures God’s children to be devoted to such worldly pursuits and pleasures and rewards. Christ tells us to reject all the worldly stuff! The camel can’t get through the needle’s-eye with any baggage, and even then must kneel to do it. Also, remember that the saints beneath God’s altar were killed for their faith. No, the good-life is not the path to Heaven; only its opposite will work.